Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's been 3 seasons already only I posted something about heroes. Hee... Now it's already season 3. Many things have changed and it's only 9 episodes. FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T WATCH PLEASE LEAVE NOW OR BARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF SPOILERS YOURSELVES. 

Let's start with some recap on what happened the last two seasons...

Season 1.
Our playground baddy aka Sylar lost is injured and lost his powers. (Hooray!) Our world savior - Peter Petrelli got red (literally) and was taken into the air by his brother, Nathan, and Ka-Boom! That's when everyone thought Nathan and Peter is dead. Our Sylar also died in the "Final Battle" so everyone was happy and smiling. :-) The End.

Season 2.
Our dearest Peter is not dead! (For those who cried over his death, he's got spontaneous regeneration with him remember?) As for our senator, he survived of course, was healed and the show continued with a larger plot behind it. Somebody is behind all his power power thing. He is even worse than our Sylar. More people were killed for that. The Company, who invented a type of virus that could wipe out the entire world's population, was behind that? Or is it Adam Monroe, Hiro's childhood hero? (Actually Hiro's hero is Hiro himself.) Adam killed nearly half of the Company's Board of Directors and he wanted to release the virus. Of course, our Peter came into rescue again. He destroyed the virus and Hiro sent Adam to Kaito (Hiro's dad), in Kaito's coffin, under the ground. You're right, Kaito is dead. So after all this thing, Nathan decided to reveal the "secret" to the public. Just when he's about to say it... HE GOT SHOT TWICE AND DIED! The end. By the way, Sylar wasn't dead and he is still collecting his powers. 

Here comes season 3 (Updated till episode 9)
Now things starts to get confusing. Guess who shot Nathan? Jeng jeng jeng! PETER! Yeah. PETER from the future shot him. Why? The show started with a cute brunette holding a gun pointing at the future Peter. Of course Peter avoided the bullet and took the gun to return to present day to shoot Nathan. According to him, if Nathan hasn't announced the "secret", the world wouldn't turn bad. People are having powers! Anyone with the ability to buy it will have it. So, again, he has to stop it! Then things just go crazy with Sylar getting Claires power, and Sylar turns out to have the last name Petrelli. Yupz. He is Peter's brother. No wonder they share the same kind of power right? The can learn other people's power. Now our playground bully turns out to be a hero after all? For awhile at least. The show is still going remember? As for Peter, he was brought to the future by Peter (you know which Peter I am talking about) and he acquired Sylar's ability and the next thing you know, Sylar from a goody boy, griefs over his son's death, blew up Costa Verde. So this present Peter now turns out to be a villain! Oh no!!! As I say, the show is still going, and the story is as confusing as this blog post. Everything is screwed up. Whimpy Mohinder is now a monster! I love Tim Kring for that. As for Peter's role... Stupid Tim Kring.
ps. Elle Bishop - Kristen Bell is so cute. She got together with Sylar.
That's some recap of what happened until today.

Personal Comment
Season 3 is damn confusing now. Heroes turn villains, villains turn heroes. However, one thing I am sure now is, the whole thing was caused by Peter's parents. They were fighting against each other. Many new abilities were introduced and of course there are recycles of abilities. 

The new heroes
1. Daphne aka Speedster aka Nemesis (Hiro calls her that). She can travel at the supersonic speed. Surprise! She is the only one besides those with the ability to control time and space to be able to walk free when Hiro freezes time. However she can't travel at supersonic speed during that time.
2. Knox. He turns peoples fear into his own strength and he uses it against you.
3. Flint. Human Flamethrower. That explains all.
4. Tracy. She is one of the Nikki series. Of course she is not Nikki but look exactly like her. She has the ability to turn things into ICE.
5. Arthur Petrelli. He can suck ability out of you and then acquires it. He took away all of Peter's abilities.

Well, there are more to come. The new Sylar is even more YENG than the old one. Trust me on that.

Till then. Next episode is on 24th Nov 2008.

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