Thursday, September 4, 2008

AH LONG Have Their Story To Tell Too

Ah Long, Lintah Darat, Loan Shark, whatever you like to name them, most of us just classify them as bad people. They are pure evil some will say. However, personally, I do not think so. Let me make it clear that I am not supporting Ah Long. I am just telling what I have analysed. 

What do Ah Longs do? They loan money to people. What is wrong with that? Bank also loan money to people what? Are you trying to tell me that because they loan to big companies so they are good people while Ah Long loan to individuals so they are bad people? Nope that's nonsense. How bout Ah Long don't have license while Banks have? OK, that makes sense. To be precise, they are not paying tax, so they are those who avoided tax. Legal wise they are bad, other than that? They cut people with parang? They are gangster? They are inconsiderate people? So these are the main reasons behind Ah Long being the baddies right? Now we shouldn't be looking something from only one point of view. 

Every now and then, we read from the newspaper and we can see that so and so's house got painted red for free! Or maybe so and so was threatened by Ah Long and out Superhero M comes to the rescue. Have you not think of why they are being treated in this way? I tell you, even a three year old kid can answer this. They owe the Ah Long money. Harlo, when your friend owe you 1 lunch you would be teasing him for the bloody lunch until the day he treated you in some 5 star restaurant I bet. This happens to Ah Long also, but instead of teasing they decided to paint your house for free. You think paints don't need money ar? I do agree that they way they come around knocking on your door for the money is not right. I mean you do have something which you let them hold onto right? Why don't they just sell the damn thing and get the money back? Well, 2 reasons maybe. 
1. They are kind hearted so they want to save your properties? (I don't think there are many like this.)
2. They damn thing you let them hold onto just barely covered your loan interest. (Yeah!) 
Now, businessmen reading this now, why didn't they calculate the thing properly before loaning? Then when they sell the properties they will have enough to cover the cost. You are right. What if the above 2 cases happened at the same time? They saved your properties until the very last second before they had to sell it to cover the interest. No idiots would lend you money and tell you it's interest free. Harlo, if I want to earn money, I wouldn't be giving alms. If If I want to do charity, that's after I have money to do so. So no charity here. Return the money and we have nothing to do with each other.

Secondly, why people never go to our Superhero M when they owe bank money? Why? Is it real that banks are so noble that they will send diplomats to your house and ask you when are you going to return them the money? Harlo! If you are thinking like this, then you are retarded! Bank is the most worthless senseless loaning agent you are facing. This is what happen when you loan from banks. Have you ever read in the newspaper houses being put into auction? Semi-D in Penang goes for 200K. Wake up! Even 1 stupid double stories terres in Batu Maung cost you 450K. Why Semi-D goes for 200k? Simple, the previous owner of this Semi-D failed to return the money so bank auction it to cover the cost and processing fees. So that guy might be actually getting a loan of 100K. He didn't what his house being sold for 200k. In fact if he would sell that house himself to pay back the bank, he might be able to get a flat or so in penang still. Semi-D can easily cost you 800K to 1.2 Million depending on location. For the least, not 200k ok? So don't you think banks are senseless?

Oh yeah! Forgot about diplomats. Erm, have you ever heard of companies that helps people to collect debts? To tell you the truth, there are such companies. Why it's being set up? 2 possible reasons from me. 
1. It's just another business, you pay me 20% of the debts then I collect it for you.
2. Banks are legitimate. Running around with parang will not make them look good. So they set these companies up and hire gangsters to do the dirty job for them la!
So now tell me what is the difference between banks and ah long?

Now go and think about it. What is wrong with ah long and the bank? Which is better? Just don't be too one sided. Let say if I fill a 500ml cup with 250ml of water, will you say the cup is 
1. half full
2. half empty (or)
3. both?
4.  none of the above (choose this... then you can proudly declare that you are a moron)
till then... TATA!!

*f**k. My writing has gone from bad to worse.

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